What is the Art of Gathering?
The Art of Gathering is the number one online training for gathering hosts, designers, and planners who want to create meaningful shared experiences for their coworkers, communities, families, and people.
How we gather shapes the world we want to live in. Yet, much of our time together is spent on autopilot. We often find ourselves in uninspiring moments that fail to capture us or connect us to one another.
Whether you are trying to make your next weekly meeting more impactful, or designing an anniversary party to remember, join the thousands of people who have successfully upped their gathering game using the Art of Gathering Digital Course. We'd be so happy to have you!
Is it right for me?There's a better way to gather and show your guests they belong.
I remember when I first really started focusing on gatherings. I found myself at various events — dinner parties, board meetings, a school reunion, someone's birthday — where each occasion felt more and more like déjà vu — leaving me thinking, “Here we go again.”
I was frustrated that we could have made better use of our time together and disappointed that connection was an afterthought.
I began noting that so much of our gathering intelligence and culture focuses on stuff — "the food is perfect" or "wow, what a beautiful venue." — while the ingredients for a connective collective moment were lacking.
What if we first designed a gathering where guests were brought together in a meaningful way, and then we filled in the logistics?
By trade, I am a facilitator. I have a deep desire to help people connect and a constant curiosity about what is and isn't working in how we come together. I shifted my focus to The Art of Gathering — first as an area of study and then as a teacher.
Now, I've turned what I've learned into an in-depth digital course to help you thoughtfully plan your next gathering.
The Art of Gathering is not just about planning events; it's about creating transformative experiences. If you can’t stand the thought of another lackluster event (or were voluntold to take the hosting reigns), I'm here to guide you. The Art of Gathering gives you the creative structure and resources to create time well spent together. Say goodbye to the old rules of gathering and start developing your artful gathering practice.
I'm Ready to Start My trainingWhat The Art of Gathering Students Are Saying
How to Use The Art Of Gathering To Transform Your Next Gathering
What You'll Learn - The Art of Gathering Curriculum

Lesson One: Determine why you're really gathering.
Purpose is at the core of a meaningful gathering. You will learn how to define your need, create a purpose to address that need, and how to communicate it with your people.

Lesson Two: Shape how you spend your time together.
Deciding what activities to do, and in general how you spend people's time, is an act of Math and Poetry. I will teach you to plan the physical space, and how to consider your schedule, as well as provide resources to help you ideate on what your activities might be.

Lesson Three: Create a compelling invitation.
The invitation is where your gathering starts for most of the people involved. Whether that invitation comes in the form of a letter on embossed paper or a calendar invite we will work on crafting it persuasively, and in a way that intrigues your guests and sets everyone up for success.

Lesson Four: Open with a memorable welcome.
Your gathering is a temporary, alternative world where purpose is the guide. In this section, we will focus on opening remarks, and a concept called thresholding so that you can make it easier for your guests to orient to your gathering’s purpose and to each other.

Lesson Five: Design and host for connection.
The job of the host is a difficult one. We wear so many hats, and have to respond in the moment during our gatherings. How can we thoughtfully create connection between our guests in the midst of everything else? Planning goes a long way, but so does a concept I call generous authority. Use your power as the host to design and activate connection during your gathering.

Lesson Six: Own your power as the host.
Gatherings get derailed, we've all been there. In this section, I will teach you how to avoid underhosting, and create playful rules and structure to protect your guests and your purpose from being derailed.
Follow Every Lesson, Exercise, and Case Study
To accompany the course, I've created a 134 page workbook that includes tear sheets, checklists, exercises, and more. Check out a few of them below.

Frequently Asked Questions
Don't see your question answered here? Contact us for more information.
Who is this course for?
Can you give some examples of gatherings this course would benefit?
Are scholarships available?
Will I get to work one-on-one with Priya?
Is this course applicable to virtual or hybrid events?
Approach Your Next Gathering With Confidence, Creativity, and Intention
My Art of Gathering training includes:
- 6 weeks worth of videos - definitions, case studies, and a deep dive for each lesson.
- The 134-page AOG workbook in both printable and digital versions.
- A guide (or agenda if you're taking the course as a team) for each week of the course.
- Weekly exercises that will guide you through building your gathering by the end of the course.
- Prefer to pay in installments? Click here.
- Group rates are also available.

The Art of Gathering Guarantee
I want you to enjoy and benefit from the Art of Gathering Digital Course. But as we all know sometimes things get in the way. For that reason, I offer a 30-day no questions asked refund for all purchases.
Everyone has the ability to gather well. You don’t need to be an extrovert or have a fancy house, it’s a set of skills anyone can learn. Let the Art of Gathering be your guide.
If cost is a factor, we want to help. We are offering a limited number of "Pay What You Can" spots each quarter. The current deadline to apply is December 31, 2024. Please fill out our application here.
Step One:
Choose a Gathering.
This course walks you through planning a gathering that's important to you at home, at work, or in your community. This can be for an ongoing gathering you’re trying to fix or upgrade or a one-time moment that feels higher stakes. If you don't have a gathering in mind, we'll provide you with some options!
Step Two:
Establish a weekly learning schedule.
Each weekly lesson includes digestible pre-recorded videos, a digital and printable handbook for notetaking and planning, relevant case studies to inspire, and supporting resources to explore. The course is designed for flexibility: You will choose a regular day and time that works for you to dedicate to the weekly digital lesson.
Step Three:
Attend quarterly office hours.
Priya will be conducting quarterly office hours to go over the most pertinent issues facing the community. We'll review your comments and questions, and may even reach out to you to build rich case studies for these live events. The first call will be in March, details to come.
Step Four:
Continue to practice.
Gathering is a practice to nurture and refresh. Not every gathering you plan will follow the same format. Return to the material as often as necessary. It’s an invaluable reference as you continue to shape new and creative ways of spending time with your people.
Start Your Journey Towards Becoming an Artful Gatherer Today
Installment Payments and Group Rates are also available.